Committed to protecting the climate – Gallus Ferd. Rüesch AG helps lower CO2 emissions

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St.Gallen, March 2017 – Around 192 industrialised countries have demonstrated their commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by signing the Kyoto Protocol. In 2003, Switzerland was the 111th nation to sign up to the protocol and commit to the specified targets.


With a view to implementing measures to cut emissions, Switzerland’s private sector established the EnAW (Swiss Private Sector Energy Agency) to provide companies with personal advice and indicate the best approach for meeting legal requirements in an easy, cost-effective way. By signing up to the voluntary EnAW programme, Gallus Ferd. Rüesch AG has undertaken to actively cut CO2 emissions and optimise energy efficiency. In Switzerland, this target agreement is recognised at federal, cantonal and industry partner level.


Once it had signed the agreement, the company’s energy status was analysed in detail in collaboration with EnAW experts. This analysis was used to draw up a strategy with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions at Gallus by approximately 20% in three stages over a nine-year period. These three stages are split into measures that can be implemented in the short term, and medium and long-term measures/investments helping to lower CO2 emissions. The first stage runs from 2015 to 2018. As part of this first phase of reducing CO2, most of the lighting at Gallus has already been converted to LED technology. Efforts are also being made to ensure better use of waste heat, the loss of compressed air is being significantly reduced and appropriate building insulation measures are being taken with a view to meeting the targets of this first stage. In a second and third stage from 2019 to 2024, further measures already defined and investments in new energy-efficient installations will achieve the targeted CO2 savings.

In collaboration with the EnAW, there will be an annual review to ascertain whether the interim targets have been met. Gallus will provide proof of how much energy has been saved over the previous period and indicate whether the measures initiated have produced the required results. The company is currently well on course.


This commitment entered into with the EnAW represents a win-win situation for the Swiss federal government and the participating companies. The measures implemented and the investments made are reflected in an overall improvement in the energy balance. In addition to making the specified contribution to climate protection, this also reduces the companies’ energy costs.